My Body & Me
Children learning about their heart, and not just as an organ that pumps our blood. We listen to our hearts. We feel it. We learn that the beauty is a light in our heart, not in the face; that the things we cannot see with our eyes, we can feel in our hearts.
From the moment your child discovered his own toes, he has been learning about his body and how it works. Toddlers are often eager to learn about the body and will show pride and share their knowledge as they explore and identify their body parts.
My Body & Me program is designed to prepare your child for future “Healthy Mind / Healthy Body” decision making. This program is interwoven throughout your child's experiences here at Teddy Bear Center, and consists of a series of activities, which intend to introduce your child to human anatomy with a step by step, age appropriate approach.
For example, the Dance & Music program will provide an opportunity to learn about the muscles of the arm and the ears, The Apple Chefs program offers a chance to learn about the mouth and stomach, and the Learning Languages program can prove useful in learning about the eyes and the brain. These fun activities will help your child learn about the different parts of the body and will enhance his verbal skills at an early age. All of this will teach your kids to love and respect their body, be familiar with various organs and its purpose in the human body.
My Body & Me program is designed to prepare your child for future “Healthy Mind / Healthy Body” decision making. This program is interwoven throughout your child's experiences here at Teddy Bear Center, and consists of a series of activities, which intend to introduce your child to human anatomy with a step by step, age appropriate approach.
For example, the Dance & Music program will provide an opportunity to learn about the muscles of the arm and the ears, The Apple Chefs program offers a chance to learn about the mouth and stomach, and the Learning Languages program can prove useful in learning about the eyes and the brain. These fun activities will help your child learn about the different parts of the body and will enhance his verbal skills at an early age. All of this will teach your kids to love and respect their body, be familiar with various organs and its purpose in the human body.